UTF Updated - New Functionality

Unique Tile Finder has again been updated!

Continuing where it has been last left off, UTF has been expanded upon with user wishes in mind. 
UTF has now 4 modes of checking whether a tile is considered unique or not. Next to the original mode that only checks for exact copies, it can also check for mirrorings of the tiles, simple rotations of the tiles or both, at an expense of running time, of course.
This is useful for tilemap editors and game engines that support mirrored or rotated tiles, as then the tile sheet can be even more compact and used in a more versitile way.

To use this new functionality, you'll be asked to enter a number after entering the size of the individual square tiles. Similar to output modes, identification modes are between [0 - 3].


UniqueTileFinderV1-2.zip 70 kB
Feb 14, 2021

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